Soft Skills: The Key to Success in Life & Business
Benoit Chalifoux is an international speaker on soft skills, sales and diversity in the world of business in Canada, Africa and Europe.
Benoit advises business leaders, managers and individuals in their quest for professional and personal fulfillment.
He is the author of a best-selling book on interpersonal skills entitled: "Being at your Best, The Incredible Power of Interpersonal Skills".
Soft Skills: The Key to Success in Life & Business
It is important for organizations to encourage their employees to cultivate a balanced life and to equip themselves to become more efficient, while increasing their well-being, even when working from home. More than ever, interpersonal relationships are a crucial factor in the success or failure of an organization, but also in the development of the individuals who make up the organization. -
The art of negotiating in a climate of trust
Negotiating is about giving and receiving. You must strive to create a courteous and constructive interaction that is beneficial to both parties. Good negotiations contribute significantly to the success of the business, as they help you build better relationships and provide lasting, quality solutions. Your approach should foster goodwill, regardless of the differences in interests between you and your customers. -
Resilience to stay on course at all times
In this talk, Benoit Chalifoux will clarify the concept of resilience. He will then share with us several ways of developing resilience factors that enable us to bounce back and rebuild after an ordeal. With a masterful hand, he conveys his messages with just the right dose of emotion, scientific popularization, anecdotes and humor. -
What if diversity is your best asset?
Recent research supports the fact that diversity in all its forms indeed leads to more effective business practices. In order to capitalize on it, inclusion is a key element. This conference will empower and challenge you to reflect on the importance of diversity and inclusion within your organization. -
What if the best method of selling is NOT selling at all?
Let’s face it, people do business with those they know, like and trust. Have you ever noticed that when there is a lack of trust, transactions tend to be drawn out and communication is halted? This conference will help you learned new sales techniques which will allow you to improve your performance. -
Talent creator: digital accelerator
Let's stop for a moment to see what's going on. The COVID-19 pandemic that has been going on for more than 2 months has severely disrupted our economic and societal model. The digital dimension has proven to be the most crucial to ensure the proper functioning of businesses. This interlude in our lives is a good time to step back and realize the reality that is ours: the digital age is now, for everyone.
Businesses and community organizations who entrusted me
Training and coaching service
The training and coaching offer are intended for executives, professionals, managers and entrepreneurs. The workshops on motivation, on positive leadership and sales are of variable length and are offered for both small and large groups. The objective is to support the group of people in achieving the targeted objectives.
The available trainings:
Being at your best
The incredible power of interpersonal skills
Les relations interpersonnelles ont toujours été un facteur crucial à l’épanouissement des individus, mais également à la réussite des organisations. Les échanges, la confiance et l’entraide sont au cœur du succès ou de l’échec d’une entreprise, mais également de nos objectifs personnels, quels qu’ils soient.
À l’ère des technologies qui s’accélèrent, l’être humain est dorénavant confronté à une virtualisation du travail et des relations. Les humains travaillent et communiquent sans s’entendre, se voir ou se côtoyer. La productivité prend le dessus sur l’humanité, la connaissance sur le relationnel, les hard skills sur les soft skills.
Comment parvenir à connaître le succès professionnel tout en étant aligné avec sa quête personnelle? Tel est l’objet de ce livre. Dans cet ouvrage, l’auteur propose des outils concrets pour améliorer les comportements individuels et les relations interpersonnelles, de même que la performance organisationnelle qui en découle. Il s’appuie sur les dernières recherches scientifiques en intelligence émotionnelle et les illustre par des expériences de vie.

« Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.»
Zig Ziglar